"What a nice meeting this one was, even without our fearless leader Ms.
Dawn who caught the 24 hour bug from her friend Rachel. She was the
designated last-minute key holder and got stuck in the snarl we call
Queen Anne and the corridor.
She came frazzled and apologetic, we kindly dismissed her fears away
because we were no fools, we'd been munching on Laura's delicious cheese
plate with a cheese I'd never even heard of before, something like
Drunken Goat
Who Stare at Men or something wasn't it it guys? LOL
The cheese and grape munchers consisted this time of the hard care foodies and we all know who we are: Me Heather M., Katie S. and her co-worker Barb from the print center, and young mom Laura, who loves eating with just all grown-ups once a month. Special ed. teacher Sonja was able to come this time with good news: she transferred to her son's school, where they can commute by walking together every day the 2 blocks each way.
We all trooped in when Rachel arrived with the key and within minutes had plates full of Vietnamese Salt and Pepper wings with a dipping salt you mixed with fresh lime to get the whole experience. To complement that, I had the night before cooked one of my daughter vegetarian mainstays, grains with vegies from T.J.'s. I cooked it in vegie broth to juice it up a little. We had a delicious salad,( as we know the word came from the Roman word for "salted") pickles, a cured meat tray with 4 offerings and three kinds of yummy crackers. Sonja brought wine and another bottle appeared out of nowhere, I didn't catch who brought it. Desserts were of course, assorted chocolate items with salt!
Six thumbs up for the book "Salt" A World History by Jack Kurlansky who not only is a meticulous researcher/writer he must edit a lot of articles, either that or he single-handedly wrote 26 books. Geesh, does this guy have time for a life?
Only one dedicated reader (Barbara) finished the entire book, of those who hadn't we all said we would. It's chockful of fascinating historical facts, humorous illustrations and well laid out chapters. It's a book one wants to own for reference, just to have on the shelf for solving arguments and such. In fact it was on Laura's shelf, she didn't have to check it out! Our next book will be the Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom. Expect a feast of southern food in July, signing off,
Heather McNair."
The cheese and grape munchers consisted this time of the hard care foodies and we all know who we are: Me Heather M., Katie S. and her co-worker Barb from the print center, and young mom Laura, who loves eating with just all grown-ups once a month. Special ed. teacher Sonja was able to come this time with good news: she transferred to her son's school, where they can commute by walking together every day the 2 blocks each way.
We all trooped in when Rachel arrived with the key and within minutes had plates full of Vietnamese Salt and Pepper wings with a dipping salt you mixed with fresh lime to get the whole experience. To complement that, I had the night before cooked one of my daughter vegetarian mainstays, grains with vegies from T.J.'s. I cooked it in vegie broth to juice it up a little. We had a delicious salad,( as we know the word came from the Roman word for "salted") pickles, a cured meat tray with 4 offerings and three kinds of yummy crackers. Sonja brought wine and another bottle appeared out of nowhere, I didn't catch who brought it. Desserts were of course, assorted chocolate items with salt!
Six thumbs up for the book "Salt" A World History by Jack Kurlansky who not only is a meticulous researcher/writer he must edit a lot of articles, either that or he single-handedly wrote 26 books. Geesh, does this guy have time for a life?
Only one dedicated reader (Barbara) finished the entire book, of those who hadn't we all said we would. It's chockful of fascinating historical facts, humorous illustrations and well laid out chapters. It's a book one wants to own for reference, just to have on the shelf for solving arguments and such. In fact it was on Laura's shelf, she didn't have to check it out! Our next book will be the Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom. Expect a feast of southern food in July, signing off,
Heather McNair."
Sonya brought a salad, salted sunflower kernel crunch balls,
pickles and wine.
Barbara brought cured meats, crackers
salted caramel chocolate cookies (not
pictured) and wine.
Heather brought some sort of grain (barley?) vegetable dish
Laura brought some great cheese and crackers - including an
awesome "drunken" goat cheese that we were all crazy about, and some
very fancy 34 degree savory thins.
Katie brought Vietnamese salt and pepper wings, with Thai
chili salt and lime juice to
dip (sparingly!)
Next month we are discussing The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom. Lots of holds on this one, so be sure to pick up your bookgroup copy at the Mountlake Terrace Library while supplies last!