Much thanks to Katie S. for writing up this month's blog post while I (Dawn) was out sick.
The October selection was The Irresistible Blueberry Bakeshop & CafĂ© by Mary Simses. It’s a book with a charming name and a gorgeous cover that was almost unanimously loved by the group. Only one sourpuss malcontent didn’t like it, but enough about me. [editor/Dawn's note: I didn't like it either.]
Enjoyed were, the sweet and romantic story, the investigative storyline, and that it was a light and quick read. At least one person even enjoyed feeling annoyed with the main character. Overall people thought it was a refreshing change of pace from some of the more serious and information dense books we’ve read recently.
Everyone agreed that the food mentioned in the book sounded like the type of food we’d all like to eat – the many composed salads and intriguing sandwich combinations, the seafood, and of course the cornucopia of baked goods.
The book also brought forth fond family memories for many, such as parents or grandparents making donuts, and having turkey cooked a million different ways. The very important question was raised – can you cook donuts in a turkey fryer?
We tended to veer off topic pretty easily, agreeing that while the book was enjoyed, it didn’t offer tons of discussion topics. So, it’s only natural that we’d contemplate the merits of green bean casserole, and brainstorm fun things to do with dry ice.
The food, as always, was top-notch:
Laura – Lentil & potato soup with homegrown leeks
Bobbie – Blueberry muffins
Barbara – Blueberry encrusted chevre with raisin rosemary crisps
Katie – Apple cider donuts
Next month we are discussing Little Century by Anna Keesey. I'm really not sure how foodie it is, but a quick peek in google books shows that if nothing else there is chicken, potatoes, whiskey, and ice cream, so we should be alright.

There might still be a few copies at the Mountlake Terrace Library from the book discussion kit (ask at the desk), but there are also plenty of copies in the library system to order, too.
See you next month!