The only thing people didn't like about this book was that we couldn't make it all! (Ok, a few people found some of the beef photos unappealing, and some had trouble not splattering the library books, too).
I've said this before, but this was one of our best meals EVER.
Barbara - leeks with mustard bacon vinaigrette
Bobbi – Madeleines and Sorbet
Dawn – beet hummus
Jane (Laura’s neighbor) - lentil salad
Katie S. – cherry tomato crustini with homemade herbed goat cheese + chocolate dulce de Leche tart
Katie W. – Grated carrot salad (Oh photo!)
Laura – chicken with mustard and the mashed potatoes (check out that dripping sauce...sooo good!)
Susan - green beans and tapenade and crackers
For March we are reading Tattoos on the Heart: the Power of Boundless Compassion by Father Gregory Boyle. (It is especially wonderful as an audiobook!) We will once again be meeting at Laura's house, and you are encouraged to bring some sort of Mexican food and/or baked goods!
Message me if you need directions,