An interesting night was had by all at the April 9th "Foodie book Club" meet on the usual second Monday of the month. The subject was man and plants, with some interesting sidelines into the insect kingdom in Michael Pollan's The Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye view of the World.
There were eight regulars: Heather M. Lyn and her mom Deloris, Ashley, Katie S, Karen, Laura, Katie W, my daughter Brenna (12) and a walk in club-crasher who couldn't resist the lure of women, conversation and food, even though she hadn't read the book.
Four women admitted finished the book, the rest either plan on it or lost interest. Pretty dry start to most although the real farmer in our midst loved every word of it. The humor was surprising, as well as the home-spun tale of Johnny Appleseed the first segment. The apple science factoids interesting, the genetics/grafting not so much, although Laura told of a road trip where she read some out loud to hubby resulting in much conversation.
Everyone learned new information and the book was a general hit. Our topics ranged at the normal quick-fire speed from applejack (the top inch is poison when distilled) to pot-busts in Lynnwood and the fact that Snohomish County is more known for potent THC levels than Humboldt County (according to a 4 year old Everett Herald article.) We talked about tulips and potatoes, milk and peanut allergies, how Nutella is the peanut butter of Europe and somebody recommended the DVD Food Inc. as a must see for all.
Excellent food and fun, what more can one ask for at the local library?"
Katie S - pulled pork with red cabbage slaw
Heather M - sausage/potato/kale soup and apple pie
Ashley - apple Parmesan risotto w/almonds & balsamic reduction
Karen T-potatoes Dauphine
Katie W-baked potato soup with accompaniments
See you soon!
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